(Bright) Blue Monday

I love this photo my friend Shel posted on her Instagram, wearing her Featherweight snake tee in turquoise:

Here's the caption she included:

"Change your clothes, change your mood, and change the world...The little things add up."

I couldn't agree more!  Thank you Shel!

Color has power and vibration.  It inspires a response and a reaction.  It shows up.

What colors are you feeling today? 


As Seen On: My Favorite Musicians

I love designing merch for musicians.  It combines two of my biggest obsessions: music and clothing.

When I see some of my favorite musicians wearing my designs, my heart sings.

Here's Chris Rhoades wearing a baseball tee I designed for Dead Rock West:

Here's DJ Bonebrake wearing a tee from my first Featherweight T-shirt line:

And here's Exene Cervenka wearing the tee I designed for the Flesh Eaters.  Exene wore this shirt on stage more than once during X's most recent tour: 

The queen, Exene.

The queen, Exene.

When a musician I love wears something I designed, and wears it on stage while they're performing, that's the best thing ever.  

I love you Exene!

Music Monday: Peel Me A Grape

Blossom Dearie performing "Peel Me A Grape" live in 1999, she's about 75 years old in this video.  Brilliant lyrics (& music) by Dave Frishberg.

"Pop me a cork, french me a fry
Crack me a nut, bring a bowl full of bon-bons
Chill me some wine, keep standing by
Just entertain me, champagne me
Show me you love me, kid glove me
Best way to cheer me, cashmere me
I'm getting hungry, peel me grape"

Here's a gorgeous clip from French TV in 1965.

What a peach.  Stick around to watch the blues improv (starting around 3:11).  She was so faciile on those keys.  **snaps fingers**