Music Monday: Peel Me A Grape

Blossom Dearie performing "Peel Me A Grape" live in 1999, she's about 75 years old in this video.  Brilliant lyrics (& music) by Dave Frishberg.

"Pop me a cork, french me a fry
Crack me a nut, bring a bowl full of bon-bons
Chill me some wine, keep standing by
Just entertain me, champagne me
Show me you love me, kid glove me
Best way to cheer me, cashmere me
I'm getting hungry, peel me grape"

Here's a gorgeous clip from French TV in 1965.

What a peach.  Stick around to watch the blues improv (starting around 3:11).  She was so faciile on those keys.  **snaps fingers**

MUSIC MONDAY: Rahsaan Roland Kirk

I love an original.

Here are just 3 of the reasons why I love American jazz multi-instrumentalist RAHSAAN ROLAND KIRK:

  1. He played tenor sax, flute & instruments of his own invention - ALL AT ONCE.
  2. He renamed himself Rahsaan after hearing the name in a dream.
  3. He was born with sight, but went blind at age two as a result of poor medical treatment.  Despite this hardship, he became an inventive, open-minded, uniquely creative artist with a positive spirit.

"The Inflated Tear" was the first RRK song I ever heard and it blew me away. It made such a huge impression on me that I can still picture exactly where I was when I first heard it.

Here he is performing it live in Prague in 1967.