Support Small Biz: SHORT TAIL SHOP

As I've already written about, I went to the Renegade Craft Fair in Austin earlier this month. By far the most exciting vendor I discovered was SHORT TAIL SHOP.

Hayden makes stained glass art objects in the coolest shapes.  Of course I had to get a feather for Featherweight.  Isn't it gorgeous?

She had a couple other strong shapes and symbols including a gemstone, and an eye with hanging tears that I really loved.  I can't wait to hang this in my bedroom window, and I'll probably take it with me and hang it in my booth at West Coast Craft next month, for good luck.

Hayden has added a few feathers to her Short Tail shop on Etsy.  They're "hand-cut, copper foiled, soldered, and polished to perfection" and hung from a leather strap - a total steal at just $24. Get yourself one!