PRE-ORDER The Golden State tee

Last weekend my friend Katie who owns Solid Gold in Austin sent me this photo of three girlfriends looking fresh in the SOLID GOLD TEXAS tees I designed:

Yes, that's Maya Rudolph 

Yes, that's Maya Rudolph 

I've designed variations of this tee for Solid Gold, Atomic Garden Oakland and Wrong Marfa, and they've all sold really well.  I get comments from ladies saying it's their go-to shirt, and I get emails asking how people can buy one when they're sold out in other shops.

So when John Doe asked me to make a version for his song (our song) "The Golden State," I thought it was a great idea.  It's an ode to the great state of California, but also to feeling golden where ever you find yourself.

You can pre-order yours in the Featherweight shop.  Get ready for your favorite tee of the summer.

Welcome to Fashion Revolution week!

I'm so pleased to participate in Fashion Revolution week from April 18-24th.

Fashion Revolution is an initiative inspired by the tragedy in 2013 when 1,134 garment workers were killed in#Bangladesh when their unsafe workplace collapsed. Big brands outsource their manufacturing because it's cheaper. But at what cost? No human being should suffer or die so that we may have fast fashion.

One way I'm participating in #FashRev is by answering the question #Whomademyclothes? I get my Featherweight sweatshirts manufactured in San Francisco & have them dyed in Marin County, so I can visit the facilities in person. 

Who made my clothes?

Who made my clothes?

Every T-shirt that I've made under the Featherweight brand has been made in the USA.  When I design and produce T-shirts and apparel for clients, I guide them to choose made in the USA or Fair Trade apparel.  

It takes more time and more money to source from reputable companies, and sometimes I'm unable to find the made-in-the-USA products I'd like to use.  As a one-person business, it would be WAY easier to source cheaper, more questionable products.  But I have to live by my values, which include seeing all humans (not just Americans) as having a right to life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness. I also believe in sustainability in design and manufacturing, because I plan to live a long happy life on the Earth!  For the most part I don't have the funds to create the quality, sustainable, beautiful products I'd like to see, but I keep designing anyway, embracing upcycling as another way to source raw materials.

Fashion Revolution encourages you to look inside your clothing labels & see where they were made. The brand that you gave your money to - do you trust that they're doing GOOD business, or just cheap business?

Clothing should be fun, not fatal. There are better ways to get dressed.

This is a huge passion & influence of mine, if you have any questions please ask!


I'm having a lot of fun with styling my web shop photos! I grabbed a bunch of my stuff and played around with it.

Just added some new upcycled leather and suede pouches to the web shop. I started making these a couple years ago, and have a few that I use for myself all the time: a small version for art pens, a small version for makeup, and two large versions which I use as clutches for going out at night.  They've held up well over the years. I've also made a few as gifts, but this is the first time I'm selling them. 

Here's my first attempt at stop-motion animation, to show off how roomy & versatile the pouches are:

And of course I couldn't resist painting some of them.  Here's a time lapse of the jade green suede darling pouch:

Upcycling is dear to my heart. It means that I'm using existing, discarded leather and suede.  I find damaged or hideous vintage pieces, clip them up and make them into something current, useful and (I think) beautiful.