Music Monday: Jessie J

I'm usually not a pop music fan, but I blame my love for hiphop dance classes for making me fall for Jessie J.

In a class a few years ago, we danced to "Do It Like A Dude" and I was hooked.  This song makes me feel feelings every time.

Normally I'm really turned off by a female pop singer who's not wearing any pants, because normally the fact that she's not wearing pants is distracting from the fact that she can't actually sing or write.

Jessie J is an exception to that rule.  The quality of her voice in live recordings is astonishing.  It's almost better than her voice in studio recordings (which is an exception to yet another rule).

When I loaded up an iPod to go in my studio where I work, I happened to add Jessie J's album Who You Are onto it, and I haven't updated that iPod in awhile.  So I've heard the album over and over and over.

Another of her songs that gets me every time is this live version of "Who You Are".  It's a beautiful song, with a beautiful message of staying trew.  But it's the last 45 seconds or so that make me cry every time.  The part where the guy yells out and, in the moment, she reacts by telling everyone to shout out their own name.  

Hearing Jessie J say "be a go getter" to in her British accent is oddly sweet and motivating.

(Bright) Blue Monday

I love this photo my friend Shel posted on her Instagram, wearing her Featherweight snake tee in turquoise:

Here's the caption she included:

"Change your clothes, change your mood, and change the world...The little things add up."

I couldn't agree more!  Thank you Shel!

Color has power and vibration.  It inspires a response and a reaction.  It shows up.

What colors are you feeling today?