West Coast Craft in San Francisco this weekend!

I'm excited to be back for my second West Coast Craft event this weekend in San Francisco.

I've been working away in my studio making a lot of custom one-of-a-kind jackets.  I'll also have some brand new posters and custom totes.

WCC vendors had a chance to customize Converse Chuck Taylors to benefit Youth Art Exchange.  I'll be honest, I misread the instructions and thought these were going to be auctioned for charity, so I put in a little extra time on them hoping that they'd raise good money.  

But it turns out they're going to be sold at the regular price of a pair of plain sneakers!  Note to self: read more closely next time.

They're children's size 11, but I didn't intend them to be worn like any old pair of kids sneakers.  They're small enough to be bedazzled paperweights, so maybe an adult will buy them.  

If you're in San Francisco, please come see me!



SAT 6/13 & SUN 6/14 - 10A TO 6P





One of my very best friends lives all the way across the country from me in New York, and though we don't talk on the phone all that often, we just get each other on a certain level.  I'm talking about my friend Dave, who is one of my favorite musicians and with whom I see eye to eye on most music, even though we're both very picky.

Last week he sent me a link to Ezra Furman and I fell in love.

"Makin' the rounds in my $5 dollar dress" I CAN RELATE.

I want to join him inside this beautiful video.

Ezra Furman, thank you for being you.  I'm totally inspired.


MUSIC MONDAY: Phoebe Bridgers

I just found out about Phoebe Bridgers from my friend Donnie on Instagram.

I'm struck by her voice and her songwriting.  She doesn't sound like anyone else, which is an amazing feat.  She is trew.  Hearing Phoebe Bridgers reminds me a little of how excited I was when I first discovered Patty Griffin's "Living With Ghosts".  That's not a musical comparison, it's just a similar feeling that I had, and "Living With Ghosts" has been in my top 10 records since 1997.

Here's a live version of her original song "Georgia":

Here's a cover of Harrison Whitford's "Part Time Heart":

MUSIC MONDAY: Chad VanGaalen

I love Chad VanGaalen, he's a true original.  So strange, like he's transmitting from another dimension, yet with gorgeous melodies and satisfying song structures.  He's trew.

"Wing Finger" is a favorite.

Sing it with me:


Abandoned pianos

Your stepdad's bongo drums

Snails that live inside aquariums..."

Another favorite, "Hot Red Drops" - he animated this video himself.