Spring Cleaning

Lately I've been tackling my household and business clutter.  My problem is that I appreciate and see the beauty in so many things, especially vintage clothing!  As someone who likes to reuse and upcycle, I can fall into the trap of keeping something because I might use it someday.  

I've been working on being more realistic about what I might actually use or wear.  I feel like I've also developed a good discipline about not acquiring many new (or vintage) things, which is half the battle.

I still need to clear the clutter, so I've been donating and giving away a bunch of stuff.  Recently I donated some old Featherweight T-shirts to Ruby's Place in Hayward, CA, which provides services to women and children impacted by domestic violence, human trafficking and homelessness.  It felt good to give some unworn, good-looking (in my opinion) T-shirts to people who could use a little something nice in their lives. Plus I was able to clear some space in my studio.

It's still sometimes challenging to be honest with myself about whether or not I need to keep something.  After seeing it recommended by several people, I got a copy of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo and I'm going to start reading it this weekend.  I hope it takes me over the last humps into being organized and clutter-free!